Bridget Priman (Biddy) tells a story from her childhood where going to school each day entailed a long, often adventurous walk through the bush to catch the bus especially when it was raining and the river flooded. Biddy was very resourceful and remembers making a fishing line from a tree branch and leaving a line in the water while at school. At day’s end, she had not only caught a fish but also collected mushrooms, and so was able to deliver a meal to her family that night!
Children will relish this simple tale of life in tropical north Queensland. Robbie Paul’s illustrations perfectly capture the rustic bush dwelling she lived in, and the lushness of the surrounding bush.
The author, Bridget Priman grew up in a large Gurang-Trebiling family on the outskirts of Bundaberg, and is now living in Townsville, where she also identifies with her Warrgamay family. Illustrator Robbie Paul was born in a large Aboriginal and South Sea Islander family in Bowen, and also lives in Townsville. Together they have created a charming reminiscence of a unique childhood.