Dunbi, the first Owl, is tormented by children who pull out his feathers and stick him with spinifex spikes instead. Wandjina, the sky god, punishes everyone by sending a great flood. Two people survive by holding onto the tail of a kangaroo, and land on a mountain ‘so that we were born…so we go on being born’.
This book is based on a story told by Daisy Utemorrah of the Worora people to Aboriginal children living in Derby, Western Australia. The illustrations are adapted from their paintings of her story. Few words and dramatic pictures are the format for all of the books compiled by Pamela Lofts with Aboriginal storytellers for this Scholastic series, first published in the 1980's. These books have been many school children’s first introduction to Aboriginal culture in printed story form. Paintings in this book are simpler and less developed than in other titles in this series but their simplicity is suited to the drama of the story.
Series: Aboriginal story