'I can see you,' says Joshua to the crabs he's chasing - wading, climbing trees, and down into holes in the mud. 'Well, we can see you too,' say the crabs.
Walmajarri author Joshua Button was in primary school when he painted this story. The rich colours of the far northwest country are lavishly reproduced by the artist. The murk of the mangrove contrasts with the golden sand, and underscores the thrill of the chase, within the safety of a family outing. Joshua's eyes pull the reader into the story's climax with his 'Got you!' as the crabs run out of hiding places.
Robyn Wells worked with Joshua Button on this book, and their continued collaboration resulted in the publication of 'Steve Goes to Carnival' in 2018.
This book perfectly demonstrates what Susan Wright (Professor of Arts Education, University of Melbourne) describes as an authentic child’s narrative: ‘coupled with drawing and action, encapsulates into one compact package, ideas, context and emotion.’