This is a traditional Dreaming narrative, belonging to Bai Bai Napangarti from the Wirrimanu (Balgo Hills) region of Western Australia. It tells the story of Luurnpa, who saved the Kukatja people from dying of thirst. For many years the Kukatja people had lived on land where there was plenty of water but then a drought came. The people cried out for Luurnpa, the magical kingfisher, to help them and he saved them by showing them his magic rockhole full of water. That is why the Kukatja people live on this land and why the kingfisher is a special bird to them.
The traditional owner of this story is Bai Bai Napangarti. It was retold to Christine Nicholls by the Senior Girls class at Luurnpa Catholic School and the illustrations were done by students of the school under the guidance of the art teacher, Lidia Godijn. Nine students are listed as having contributed the colourful paintings which were then scanned. Bai Bai Napangarti is a senior lawwoman of Balgo. Her country extends from Mangkayi in the Stansmore Ranges to just south of Yagga Yagga.
Series: Dreaming narrative