Look closely – what can you see? 'Patterns of Australia' is a beautiful picture book and one of a series (which also included 'Colours of Australia' and 'Shapes of Australia') created by Bronwyn Bancroft, acclaimed Indigenous artist and Djanbun clan member of the Bundjalung Nation.
Richly patterned paintings of landscapes and habitats (reef, ocean, forest, desert, wetlands etc) contain images of Australian flora and fauna which also constitute observation games for children to enjoy. For in each intricately detailed double page spread various creatures, plants and objects are hidden for keen young eyes to discover. These glorious artworks are complemented by her poetic descriptions, eg ‘The rainforest is like nature’s cave – its dark, damp cavity feels almost like night, and its colours are dusky in the shadows.’
This work encourages children to look and listen to the environment around them; to use all their senses and to really observe the details that can be missed if our eyes are not attuned to the intricacies of this ever-fascinating landscape.
In her book, ‘The Art in Country : a Treasury for Children’ (Little Hare, 2020) Bronwyn Bancroft compiles four of her earlier published books: ‘Colours of Australia’; ‘Patterns of Australia’; ‘Shapes of Australia’; and ‘Why I Love Australia’. The compilation includes additional double-page spreads which encourage the viewer to look closer at the Australian environment and to find patterns in the sky, bush, night time, desert, wildflowers, river, wetlands, rainforest, ocean and reef. Here are myriad details that offer a rich and rewarding exposure to visual literacy and art techniques while showcasing the Australia environment.