‘Fly, Kite, Fly’ tells the story of Giacamo, whose father is a bird catcher who wants his son to study to become something more. But when the Prince of Italy desires a red-tailed kite while Giacamo’s father is away, his son must do his best to provide one. Catching these elusive creatures does not prove easy, especially as Giacamo is competing with Leonardo da Vinci, who is studying these beautiful creatures. The two join forces to construct a red-tailed kite that can fly like the bird it is named after, and Giacomo presents the ‘toy’ kite rather than a real bird to the prince.
Based loosely on a true tale of the friendship between Leonardo and a boy who became his protégé, ‘Fly, Kite, Fly’ is a story of chance meetings, similar interests and the amazing mind of one of the world’s cleverest people. It also provides a showcase for Winch’s artistic talents as his vibrant, colourful and detailed artwork takes the reader back to the sixteenth century, reproducing the clothes, housing and accoutrements of the time and creating an interesting mix of history, imagination and art; of note are the colourful endpapers showcasing the artist’s tools of trade, both John Winch’s and Leonardo da Vinci. A biographical note about Leonardo da Vinci is included at the back of this book, which provides a great starting point for discussing the work of other famous artists.