The story of Private John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his donkey is a well-known Australian favourite with more than 10 picture books related to this subject included in this Picture Books for Older Readers database. One such book for comparison is ‘Simpson and His Donkey’, written by Mark Greenwood and illustrated by Frané Lessac (Walker Books 2008). ‘Only a Donkey’ opens with a farmyard scene where an unhappy donkey is being criticised by the dog, goat, sheep and especially the bull. They describe the donkey as ‘useless, weak, with ears like wings’.
One night the donkey dreams of travelling to a place where there is magic. He sets off to find the place with the other animals trailing along. Each animal complains and grumbles along the way, until they arrive at a city and a statue where the donkey declares this is the place in his dream. Before them is a statue of Simpson and his donkey. The narrator of the story then changes point of view. Now the donkey in the statue tells his story. The other farm animals listen intently as the donkey tells the story of saving over 300 men and the difficulties he and Simpson faced. The farm animals now ‘see the magic’, and their attitudes change. They become empathetic and helpful towards each other.
Patricia Mullins’ artwork contributes to each animal’s particular character by capturing their attitudes and expressions towards each other. Initially, each animal scoffs and makes fun of the donkey. Once the donkey sets out to ‘find the magic’, the animals join the journey. Mullins’ artwork is characterised by loose and often highly textured lines, colours which capture each animal as well as shapes and postures that give each animal a particular personality. The landscape settings and travels through towns towards the city add a sense of place. Finally, as the animals’ attitudes change, the illustrations astutely reveal these. ‘Only a Donkey’ is another Simpson’s donkey story with its own insight into behavioural change. The statue in this story can be seen today near the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne.