NCACL Objects

NCACL Objects are vital to the future development of a permanent home for Australian Children’s Literature. These Objects are determined by the NCACL’s Board and are to:

  • Collect, preserve and document developments in Australian children’s literature;
  • Make the collection available to the people of Australia, including all ages and all communities, in recognition of our cultural heritage in children’s literature;
  • Make the collection available to students, researchers and others interested and to assist them in their study and research;
  • Provide encouragement and inspiration for current and future authors and illustrators of children’s literature;
  • Assist in the recognition and contribution of Australian children’s authors and illustrators to children’s literature around the world;
  • To extend the availability of the collection by using digital technologies as appropriate.

And in conjunction with these objects to:

  • preserve the creators’ works;
  • nurture the children’s literature industry;
  • support future professionals in the children’s literature industry;
  • support the research community in Australia and particularly those engaged in researching children’s literature;
  • encourage reading in children and;
  • celebrate children’s literature.

See also:

Our Ambassadors
Advocacy for NCACL
Significance of NCACL collection
Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Canberra’s National Institutions



Primary school students visiting the National Centre to view artwork and dummies from Dinosaurs Love Cheese written by Jackie French, illustrated by Nina Rycroft. HarperCollinsAustralia Publishers