Christopher Cheng is a proud Ambassador of the NCACL. His passion is Australian Children’s Literature and publishing children’s books to assist in understanding diverse cultures. He loves books for young people but also enjoys writing and collecting them.
Christopher’s books are published in Australia and internationally. He believes that as a writer, he has the best job in the world. Christopher is committed to ensuring that every child should be read to and that every child deserves to be able to read. Reading empowers!
Christopher is co-chair of the International Advisory Board for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). He is a board member for the Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC). He has been a recipient of the Lady Cutler Award for Children’s Literature and has awards including the Aurealis and the Wilderness Society awards. He has been shortlisted for the CBCA Eve Pownall award.
The NCACL thanks Christopher Cheng for accepting the role of Ambassador and being its proud advocate.

Christopher Cheng, NCACL Ambassador
Posted by: NCACL | Published: 11 Dec 2021