Deadly D (Dylan Conlan) begins playing with the Broncos, but unfortunately attracts the suspicions of a journalist named Bruce Sharp. Meanwhile at school Dylan and Justice are teamed with Taylor Nelia for a school assignment. When their class 6B wins a trip to Dreamworld where they are to join their Rugby League heroes, they discover Taylor behaving suspiciously. They are lured to her secret scientific cavern and find that she has been tracking Deadly D all along. For his curse actually stems from exposure to a piece of meteorite discovered by Dylan’s late father. They also discover that this rock came all the way from a planet called Terrandia, Taylor’s home. She has come to earth to recover the rock which will mean that Deadly D will lose his secret power. The adventure culminates in a showdown with Bruce Sharp and then with Taylor’s surprising intervention.
Once again, this sporting tale mixes fantasy with realism to achieve its effects. The story is further enhanced by Dave Hartley’s black and white humorous cartoon style illustrations. The book also contains a brief glossary to explain some of the words used, brief biographies of the authors and some information about the black&write project which aims to foster Indigenous writing
The Deadly D & Justice Jones series was written by Indigenous Rugby League star, Scott Prince, who is a member of the Kalkadoon People in the Mount Isa region. It was co-written and illustrated by Indigenous educator, Dave Hartley, whose people are Barunggam, the traditional people of the Darling Downs/Chinchilla region.
This book is the second in the series which targets young boys who love sport but who may not necessarily have been readers, and presents a powerful message of self-affirmation for Indigenous children.
Series: Deadly D & Justice Jones no 2