The Barrumbi Kids Resource
NITV have created a production based on Leonie Norrington’s book The Barrumbi Kids.
The National Centre is delighted to support the NITV production by using available NCACL Resources to create The Barrumbi Kids Resource.
We would like to express our most grateful thanks to Leonie Norrington for actively collaborating with this project and to Dee Huxley who has kindly given permission for the use of her artwork in virtual exhibition form for Look See, Look at Me! and You and Me, Our Place, held by the National Centre.

Book Jacket
The Barrumbi Kids series devised by Leonie Norrington tells the story of best friends, who live in the little outback town of Barrumbi in the Northern Territory.
The Barrumbi Kids Series are included in the NCACL’s Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Resource. There are three titles in the series.
The Barrumbi Kids, The Spirit of Barrumbi and Leaving Barrumbi
Note: The National Centre has received permission from Leonie Norrington, Dee Huxley and their publishers, HarperCollins and Allen and Unwin, to reproduce copyright material.
Barrumbi Kids Series by Leonie Norrington
Collaborations between Leonie Norrington and Dee Huxley including NCACL holdings of published titles
Virtual Gallery & Exhibition Space Look See, Look at Me!
Teachers Notes created by Rowan Simpkin Look See Look at Me
Virtual Gallery & Exhibition Space You and Me : Our Place
Teachers Notes created by Rowan Simpkin You and Me : Our Place
Leonie Norrington’s ABC trailer
NITV and Screen Australia announce children’s series Barrumbi Kids
Posted by: NCACL | Published: 18 Jan 2023