Reviews and media coverage for Picture Books for Older Readers (PBOR) database and more

Reviews and media coverage for Picture Books for Older Readers (PBOR) database and more

NCACL Picture Books for Older Readers: Reading Pictures – Drawing Words
A Database of Picture Books for Older Readers

‘The new NCACL database for picture books for older readers is an important educational tool for a range of uses from schools to libraries and university courses and research. There is a versatility with picture books, as they can be read by a range of readers and audiences and are not just for children. There will always be a picture book for everyone and I think that the NCACL has done an amazing job on this new database. Its focus on Australian literature means that our literature is given a chance to shine and be explored in a range of reading settings across a broad audience who have vested interests in promoting and sharing Australian children’s literature.’

…read more from
Ashleigh Meikle The Book Muse:

Australian Literature Lover, Reviewer, Blogger and Editor blog July 13, 2023

‘This is a brilliant database, that is not only incredibly useful for educators, but can be accessed by parents and other individuals interested in picture books that cover a wide spectrum of issues, ranging from wars, to First Nations Peoples’ stories, the experience of refugees, navigating death and loss, finding courage and facing fear, finding friendship and holding hope, understanding mental health and wellbeing, exploring issues pertaining to the environment, seeking the joy in life, and so much more.’

… read more

Dr Helen Edwards, Psychology PhD.
Children’s Author, Speaker and Mentor
Award-winning Blogger & Freelance Writer

‘I was very impressed with the Picture Books for Older Readers.  Each entry offers a list of teaching resources, the subjects covered in the book, and a very good quality annotation. The annotation places each book into a literary, historical, and social context and also notes any changes that have occurred since the book was published.

I congratulate NCACL for their ongoing work in creating databases which showcase Australia’s best books and offer an insightful literary and visual analysis of each book coupled with the practical addition of the teaching and other resources.’

Cathie Tasker
Editor, Past Publisher, Creative Writing Teacher and Mentor, Literary Awards Judge

‘This latest database from NCACL is a testament to both the need and quality to capture records of quality Australian literature in a way that is accessible to all. Picture books are such dynamic texts with sophisticated content and presentation that deepens after every read. The database captures the sheer diversity of titles and subject matters from migration to magic, Bruce Whatley to Rachael Bin Salleh and politics to personal narratives.

The database is structured with a helpful overview including mapping to the latest version of the Australian National Curriculum and author/publisher details to content on subjects, annotations and links to teaching resources. The individual, personalised annotations that accompany each picture book for older readers effectively contextualise the sheer breadth of audience and responses as we seek to engage a way forward in our own reading and responding. This database refers to texts that have and will stand the test of time and is ultimately a celebration of the voices and experiences of Australian children’s literature.’

Alex Wharton
English Teacher, School Leader, Resource Writer, Literary Judge

‘This database combined with its attendant resources is an inspiring collection of Australian picture books that will promote a richer enjoyment of reading and challenge children and educators to a deeper understanding of life in Australia.’

‘It is always worthwhile to explore the extensive list of bibliographies and databases produced by NCACL, which are characterised by meticulous research and stimulating insights.’

Mia Macrossan’s longer review appears on the Story Links website

Mia Macrossan

See also:
Picture Books for Older Readers database
Reviews and media coverage for Picture Books for Older Readers (PBOR) database
Reviews and media coverage for Picture Books for Older Readers (PBOR) database more
Reviews and media coverage for Picture Books for Older Readers (PBOR) database and more
Reviews of titles in the Picture Book for Older Readers Database
Promoting Picture Books for Older Readers – NCACL
Bibliography of Helpful Resources re Picture Books for Older Readers and their use

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Advocate for Australian Children's Literature

Ashleigh Meikle The Book Muse:
Australian Literature Lover, Reviewer, Blogger and Editor