Author Illustrator research files index Q to T

Author Illustrator research files index Q to T

Author and Illustrator pages list by surname authors and illustrators for whom we have research files in the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature. Special links may be added as listed below:

  • Finding Aid: A Finding Aid is available
  • Artwork: links to artwork framework pages in the Artists’ Artwork collection
  • Book Week: links to artwork framework pages in the Artists’ CBCA Book Week Artwork collection
  • Books: links to catalogue records for books and serials by this person in the UC Library Catalogue
  • Research Files Categories Of Material

Please note: these lists do not constitute a definitive list of all Australian authors and illustrators for children.


Quay, Emma | books


Racklyeft, Jess | books
Rawlins, Donna | books
Ray, Nan see Hunt, Nan
Redlich, Ben | books
Reeder, Stephanie Owen | books
Rees, Leslie | books
Rees, Lu | books
Reilly, Pauline | books | finding aid
Richards, Claire | books
Riddle, Tohby | books
Rippin, Sally | books
Rish, David | books
Roberts, Beth | books
Robertson, Ellen | books
Rodda, Emily (Rowe, Jennifer) | books
Rogers, Gregory | book week | books
Rolls, Eric | books
Rossell, Judith books
Roughsey, Dick | books
Rowe, Jeanette | books
Roy, James | books
Rubinstein, Gillian | books
Rudduck, Loma | books
Rudge, Leila | books
Rushby, Pamela | books
Ryan, Lawrie | books
Rycroft, Nina | artwork | books


Salmon Michael | books
Saunders, Kirli | books
Savvides, Irini | books
Saxby, Claire | books
Saxby, Maurice | books
Scholes, Katherine | books
Scott, Bill | books
Seymour, Jasmine | books
Shanahan, Lisa | books
Sharp, Donna | books
Shelley, Noreen | books
Sibley, Irena | artwork
Silvey, Craig  | books
Simmonds, Brian | books
Simons, Moya | books
Small, Mary | books
Smith, Craig | books
Smyth, Gwenda | books
Snell, Danny books
Sommerville, Hannah books
Sorensen, Meg (Reviewer)
Souter, D.H.books
Southall, Ivanbooks
Spence, Eleanor | books
Spence, Percy | books
Spratt, R.A.  | books
Spudvilas, Anne | artwork | book week | books
Stackpool, Walter |  artwork | books
Stafford, Marianne | books
Stanley, Elizabeth | artwork | books
Stanton, Matt | books
Starke, Ruth | books
Steele, Mary | books
Stewart, Briony | books
Stewart-Muir, Aunty Fay | books
Stodart, Eleanor | books
Svendsen, Mark | books
Syred, Celia | books


Tan, Shaun artwork l book week 2000 | 2008 | 2016 | 2021 | books 
Tanner, Jane | books
Tanner, Lian | books
Taylor, Katie | books
Tennant, Kylie | books
Thiele, Colin | books
Thomas, Jared | books
Thompson, Colin | book week   | books
Thompson, Valerie | books
Tidy, Samantha | books
Toft, Kim Michelle | books
Tonkin, Rachel | books
Travers, P L (Pamela Lyndon) | books
Treloar, Bruce | books
Trezise, Percy | books
Tucker, Alan | books
Tulloch, Coral | books
Tulloch, Richard | books
Turner, Ethel | books
Turner, Francia Forbes | books
Turner, Gwenda | books
Turner, Lilian | books

See also:

Index A to C
Index D to F
Index G to J
Index K to M
Index N to P
Index Q to T
Index U to Z

Artists’ Artwork A – L
Artists’ Artwork M – Z

See the catalogue book entries for NCACL's holdings of Jared Thomas.