Finding aids

National Centre Finding aids contain information relating to specific collections. They are created by volunteers and are able to be used by researchers to help determine if the material in a collection is relevant to their line of interest or research. Finding aids are a type of descriptive index or table of contents for an author’s collection.

Finding aids are available for a number of authors and describe papers donated to the National Centre. See the list of authors below for current Finding aid resources. These are available in PDF format.

Base, Graeme (2022)
Carroll, Jane
Caswell, Brian
Chauncy, Nan (2015)
Crew, Gary (2004)
Crew, Gary (2013)
Disher, Garry
Edwards, Hazel
Fienberg, Anna
Fox, Mem
Freeman, Pamela
French, Jackie (2009)
French, Jackie (2013)
Graham, Bob
Hathorn, Libby

Hilton, Nette
Honey, Elizabeth (1999)
Honey, Elizabeth (2009)
Hunt, Nan
IBBY Australia Archive
Macdonald, Caroline
McVitty, Walter (Books)
McVitty, Walter (Photos)
McVitty, Walter (Research)
Norman, Lilith George
Orr, Wendy (2009)
Orr, Wendy (2020)
Parr, Letitia
Pender, Lydia
Reilly, Pauline
Rodda, Emily
Rubinstein, Gillian (2008)
Rubinstein, Gillian (2012)
Starke, Ruth
Wild, Margaret
Working Title Press